Interview With Nationally Ranked Top 100 Stylist Who is Redefining the Salon Experience
Dominique DiBenedetto
With over 15 years of experience in South Florida, Dominique DiBenedetto is introducing a new vision for the salon experience here. After having multiple opportunities to train and travel to the most successful salons within the United States, it became clear to Dominique that a new definition to the salon experience was needed in Boynton Beach Florida. Dominique has been published in top beauty and national publications, Palm Beach Illustrated, Modern Salon, Behind The Chair just to name a few. Her work has been seen on Bravo TV & their online portfolio. In 2020 she was given the prestigious honor of being named one of Moderns Salon Top 100 stylists in the nation. Her speciality is all aspects of coloring especially corrective but not limited too. To add to her resume she has also educated for multiple top color brands. Soon ventured on her own as a independent color educator. Her passion to share knowledge is fierce and helping others in the industry level up is what fuels her. Her in person hands on classes are filled with practical and effective ways to work smarter and not harder with also building revenue at the same time.
Aura opened its doors in 2019 and has been a thriving talent hub since. The culture in the salon is a lot like her, laid back but very focused on the client and the work. Her team is what drives her and keeps her pushing limits to make the most amazing, safe and fun place for any talented stylist to come and spread their creativity. In 2021 the newest venture she is taking on is alternative hair. She has just launched a new company Wigs By Dominique. As she is now taking on the hair loss community by storm. Her mission is to educate her colleagues and existing and future clients that wig/topper wearing can be and is sexy. Helping women find better solutions and confidence is her newest passion project. Dominique in her spare time you can find her spending time with her husband and two sons. “I love my career, I love my salon ,and I love my team. My calling is to educate, innovate and inspire. If I’m doing one of those things Im good.”
As always, we hope this interview will motivate you, inspire you, and encourage you, to continue to share your love and passion for the beauty industry. Be sure to show Dominique some love on IG. Enjoy!
1. What has been one of the hardest things to overcome in 2020? Being a salon owner in 2020 has presented a lot of new challenges. What was the hardest for you and how did you work through it?
As someone who tends to be a tad bit controlling, I think 2020 and the limbo, unpredictability of just about life as we know it. I felt a lot of fear, for most it was during the closure for me my fear was after we open. What does it look like ? Will I be able to do everything I need to do to make money and keep people safe without sacrificing one or the other?? I felt like I couldn't trust my own judgement. Working through it came from literally working in it. I had realized that I had to trust myself and I had to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
2. Finding new stylists is a constant struggle in our industry. What are some ways you attract new team members to your business?
Honestly, what you want you put out there. I make sure that as stylist who is full time behind the chair, I do all the things I expect my staff to do. I show up on social media as my best possible self, I'm consistent with my work, constantly educating myself. It sets the tone for the type of team member you want in your space. In today's world, these stylists are vetting us as we are them. They are watching us, watching for consistency , watching what team members stay and who goes. Bottom line is what you put out there is what is going to come.
3. Tell us about your salon culture. How do you create a team driven salon that works together and truly supports one another?
My salon culture is amazing, sometimes I can't believe we built something like this. Creating a team that supports each other and works together really dials down to all members of the team being on the same page and sharing the same mind set. We all really like each other and have formed a family-like unit. We want to see each other succeed and can read each other enough to know when one of us needs support.
4. What are 3 things salon owners MUST do on a regular basis to grow and maintain a successful salon business?
Always be looking for stylists and open to expand your team with the right people.
Monthly meetings / quarterly one on ones with each team member, checking in with everyone individually.
Can't always be a yes person, sometimes you have to make calls that won't please everyone but it's best for the business as a collective.
Having solid systems in place so that you are always covered. When staff sees you are on your A game, they will be more encouraged to be as well.
5. If a stylist is thinking of renting their own suite or going to rent a chair for the first time. What should they expect? What are a few things they should know before going out on their own?
Get ready to work the hardest you have ever worked in your entire life. As an independent you are it!!!! It's a lot, but it is definitely rewarding and there are some people who were made for it and some people who are not. Expect to feel liberated and free!!! That was my favorite part. But it comes with a lot of responsibility, you are your own receptionist, cleaning person, laundress, social media manager, photographer and the list goes on. Being organized and knowing your numbers is the most important in my opinion because to do our job is very expensive so to make sure you are profitable you need to run numbers monthly. I do wish I had a coach when I was an independent. I think it would have made things easier and I would have been even more profitable.
6. How are you using Instagram, to attract new business? What are some tips and ways stylists can use IG to grow their business behind the chair?
Instagram is one of the most amazing ways you can grow your business fast and with your dream clientele at your fingertips anywhere anytime for FREE!!! Post consistently, use local hashtags and post the work you love. Because what you put out there is going to come.
7. Have you ever had a time when you wanted to give up behind the chair? How did you get through it? What advice would you give to other stylists feeling the same?
Yes actually, in 2018 I was really struggling with this. I was a new mom at the time. I was working in a salon suite, and I was burnt out. I felt guilty for working so much but when I was at home there was so much, I needed to do for work. Order supplies, post on IG, make appointments, text clients back just about everything. My clientele was growing even more than it ever had but I just couldn't keep up with my own demand. So, I did think for a while I needed to find something else because there was no way I would be able to sustain. So, something had to give, I had to start setting serious boundaries for myself. I had to take time off, I had to make a solid schedule. Eventually I came to the conclusion I needed help and needed a team then opened my salon. But if opening a salon isn’t in the plans, take care of yourself, setting healthy working boundaries will give you more of a balance.
8. Being a mom, how do you balance work and home life? What is a tip or two you can share?
I guess this kind of ties in with the previous question. To be quite honest, I still haven't found a balance for work and home life and I'm not sure there is one. Or it looks different for everyone. What I do know is I have an amazing support system and I ask for help if I need it. I'm learning to let my mom guilt go. It's hard and I struggle with it every day because I love my kids and family, but I love my work too. I need both of them; they are both a part of me. So, I have learned to be more responsible with my time management and prioritizing what is important. I'm currently working on giving myself some grace and I have went to a 4-day work week and that really has seemed to help all around.
Join us from 12PM- 5PM at the Surety Hotel on Des Moines on May 5th, 2025. Lunch is included. This session is open to COMMISSION/hybrid salon owners and their managers. Or independents looking to hire a W2 employee in the near future.